Fall and Winter Safety Tips

JUNE 4, 2019

The Fall and Winter seasons are the time of year where we have more darkness, which bad guys love oh so much.

We want to be sure that your family and home will be protected at all times. Here are a few tips that we want to share with you:

  •   Regularly check your alarm system and be sure your security lighting is working properly.
  •   If you’re going out of town, lock all valuables away and remove anything of value like keys, laptops or even important paperwork away from the windows. Preferably you would want to keep things in a safe to ensure ultimate protection.
  •  Have a flashlight in your car in case of emergency, or a key-chain flashlight to keep by your side at all times.
  •   Make access to the back of your home hard to get into to. Lock all side gates with a secured lock and not a simple lock. Keep your garden shed locked (burglars love tools to use for a break in) and most importantly the garage door (all doors entering or exiting the home and surrounding garage areas).
  •   Lock all windows including bathroom and kitchen windows. Make sure you lock windows after closing them as many people tend to forget.
  •   If you go out of town, make your house look occupied. This can be done several ways, one of the easiest is to ask someone you trust to “house-sit”. A light switch timer can turn your lights on and off automatically to create the impression you’re home while you are away. If away for a long time, hire someone to keep your yard work up. Remember, the key is to look as if you are home.
  •   Cancel deliveries or mail if going to be away for a while. You can request to pick up your mail or packages at your local post office free of charge.
  •   Don’t answer the door for strangers. If you are not expecting any company, do not answer the door. Many burglaries happen when an intruder has easy access inside a residence. We suggest installing an optical peep-hole, a video peep-hole or a video intercom system.